Friday, August 6, 2010

Our little hummingbird


Someone told us about a legend that hummingbirds carry messages between worlds. The little bird has become a symbol for us as we grieve the loss of our daughter Ellie.

We appreciate all of the support and care that we have received from family and friends. It has been simply amazing.

Word has spread far about our loss. We realized this as we received cards, Facebook messages, and emails from various friends and acquaintances.

However, the most surprising was an email from our SST hosts. They have made several moves since we lived with them for a couple months in 1999. We have not had any direct communication in many years. They are currently living in Sao Paulo, Brasil, and sent us an email to say they are thinking and praying for us. We are awaiting the full translation since it was in spanish, but we were able to figure out the general message.

We’re not sure how they found out about our loss; maybe our little hummingbird carried the message down to them.

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