Thursday, July 23, 2009

Client issues are my fault?

Kathy recently shared this article with me:

Since I do support for computers, most of these are highly amusing and sadly true. While we don’t write software, we do provide support for software and often run into similar situations. “Many users are lazy, stupid, or lazy and stupid…” My favorite is:

ISSUE #88318
Client Issue:
"your getting than you used to be" (That's the entirety of the message from the client.)

Problem Point:
While it is unclear whether or not this is actually a complaint, what is clear is that the technician's "getting" is in some way different than the technician himself was at some point in the past.

Improvement Goal:
Each technician should take better care of his "getting", to ensure that it stops differing from how the technician used to be. That way, the technician will potentially be praised by the client with the commendation that, "your getting is now exactly the same as you are now". And those are the type of praises that result in raises.

Sandblast was a blast

We went to Chicago last weekend for an ultimate tournament in the sand. This was the first time that I played in the sand, other than just tossing a disc around. It is a lot more work to run and cut and throw! We had wonderful weather as the only storm of the weekend passed just west and south of us. Beautiful weather, flying discs, Ultimate friends...

Plus, we got to spend the evenings with our good friends, Matt and Charlotta! (Don't forget Cassie!) A wonderful weekend! Even though my feet were incredibly sore on Monday.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

eTruth article

Some of you have already seen this, but most of you probably haven’t.  Goshen Ultimate Summer League made the paper.  You can read the article here:  I am getting a few extra copies of the paper, too.

I’m still amazed at the turnout we have had.  Everyone seems to be having a good time and to be learning the sport.  There’s nothing like looking across a field of 80 people playing a sport you love and realizing you had a big hand in bringing them all together.  Humbling, warm fuzzy feelings…  (and thanks to everyone who helped!)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Orsini sized box

He's cute in smaller boxes, but we finally found an Orsini sized box!