Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HDR attempt

Well, it's my first attempt at HDR. Not a whole lot of thought or preperation put into it... In fact, I installed the HDR software, thought it would be fun to try, picked up the camera and took 5 shots of the bathroom. As you can see, I am handholding the somewhat long exposures. Thus, the blurriness all around. I'm sure they'll get better!
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Monday, March 16, 2009


I think spring might be here. It was nice enough yesterday that after playing Frisbee with the local Sunday afternoon crew, Kathy and I walked down to 7-11 and bought a slurpee. Yum.

Also, I went to the doctor today. Blood work was a little better, but still needs a little work. I had her look at my foot, too. She confirmed that I have a mild case of plantar fasciitis. She recommended a steady dose of ibuprofen (I had just been taking before an after exercising). I think it'll just take time to get better, but I wanted to get the doctor's opinion in case it turned out to be something worse. On to recovery--slowly.

Lastly, Kristi comes to town today! She is coming out to interview for a teaching position at the college. We're excited about the possibility of her coming back to Goshen! And more immediately, we're excited about her staying with us all week!

Have a great week!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Old Woods Photo


I recently came across this old photo.   I was trying to figure out where it was in the woods.  Then I noticed the drive, the flat area in front of the photographer, the hill in the background. 

There aren't any houses though!  Things sure have changed a little bit in the big old Woods.