Monday, May 3, 2010

The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music

We were back in Ohio this past weekend.  I needed to get a longer run in and decided I would go ahead and do it in the hills of Holmes County. 

Hills provide a completely different challenge than the flat runs I am used to.  I managed quite nicely and very much enjoyed the success.

I figured some of you might want to see the graph from my run.  I use Nike Plus to track my distance, pace, and time.  Their website has some nice features, but I use a different website for the graphs. offers a much better presentation of the data.


Click the image for a larger version.

It’s kind of a reverse topography map:  The higher points are when I was going faster downhill and the troughs are when I was slogging up hills.  The red and green numbers are my mile splits.  Red means the split was below average and green means it was above.  The last mile and a half was pretty flat and I was excited to finish so it is not surprising to see green at the end. 

I survived the run and we had a lovely weekend.  It was great to see everyone!

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