Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cold March?


I recently noticed this interesting graph from my gas company.  We are on a budget plan and managed to undershoot, which means we don't have to pay anything this month.  Or more precisely, we paid enough throughout the year to cover this month. 

The anomalous estimated March might have something to do with the overage on the budget.  I'll give them January and February--they were very cold (mean average temperature of 25 and 24, respectively).  How do they figure that we used more therms in March, with an mean average temperature of 34, than we did in January and February?  Clearly things are warming up on average in March.  Maybe all of the up and down temperatures of the month (see graph of March 2008 below) made for more inefficient heating...


(click image to see more details)

Hopefully they will actually take a measurement and get rid of the estimate status for March.  Do they go back in time for that?  Maybe it's just that the printer ran out of ink for that little bar...

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